The benefits of overindulgence. (And the 4 key lessons that eating too much can teach you).


In the past few years, self-acceptance has become a popular buzzword. It’s a catch-all phrase that, on its most basic level, simply means that you should be happy with the person you are. If you have a problem with your weight, for instance, it’s not your fault—it’s your body’s way of telling you that you’re not fat enough. This is a great idea, but the problem is that many people are getting it backwards.

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After the holidays, vacation, or a long weekend of feasting, many new customers come to us feeling guilty and weak. They are often surprised by our responses. We all know that overindulging has many advantages, but it also teaches us valuable lessons.


Thanksgiving. Valentine’s Day is on February 14th. This is the first large summer barbeque. On the beach, a family gathering.

New customers come to us feeling guilty and afraid because they ate (and drank) too much at [insert recent holiday event here] throughout the year.

They tell us how poorly they acted with a mix of remorse, humiliation, and a desire to make things better. They’re also ready to arrange everything once and for all.

They are often surprised by our responses.

Because the solution isn’t as simple as drinking more water, eating more fiber, or concentrating on a balanced diet.

Yes, it is correct:

Perhaps you should treat yourself.

Scrape the plate with your knife.

What makes a health, fitness, or wellness coach say anything like that?

Excess tarnishes the image of health, fitness, and nutrition as a whole.

Here are four examples:

There are about 150,000 licensed health and fitness professionals in the United States.

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Lesson 1: Taking a step back is an important component of development, growth, and achievement.

We often visualize development or progress as a line graph, such as this one:


We develop every day until we are flawless, nourished heavenly creatures with everything in place.

Change and development, in actuality, look somewhat like this:


Sometimes we enthusiastically embrace the finest food, then eat macaroni and cheese for a week, then master our new habits for a while, then a business trip throws us off, and we’re back to…..

Our cycles and rhythms are like a slinky (or coil) that extends like this from week to week or month to month:


We attempt new things and go ahead or upward, full of enthusiasm and energy.

The cycle is then completed. Life gives us a scenario that puts our new strategy to the test. Progress comes to a halt, or it slows down, or it reverses.

Up, down, forward, and backward are all options.

There are many compelling reasons for this:

  • Perhaps we need to go back and rediscover or reinterpret something – to reconsider a thought that hadn’t occurred to us at the time, or to respond to a question we’d avoided when we originally asked it.
  • Perhaps we need some time to ponder, reflect, reorganize, restart, or birth something new.
  • Perhaps we need to take a step back and look at ourselves or our previous habits to recall why we started new ones, similar to how you would look up an ex to remember why you broke up with him.
  • Perhaps we should practice, train, and/or test our abilities in various settings once again.

Or maybe we just lack the required abilities to go to the next stage of growth, and we must realize that, like everything else in life, poor outcomes are a necessary prerequisite for excellent results.

Weight loss may come to a halt or even reverse course depending on the reason. And it typically occurs at the conclusion of a time in which we haven’t exercised or have indulged in a week-long binge.

That’s why nearly all weight-loss graphs resemble this one.


The overall trend is positive, but the daily and weekly swings are unsettling to observe.

That isn’t to say that everyone who wants to reduce weight is useless, lacking in discipline, or unaware of how to do so effectively.

Our experience with over 100,000 customers and patients, on the other hand, has shown that recessions, plateaus, and everything in between are essential.

Both physiological and psychological factors are involved.

Perhaps that’s why they’re so ordinary.

Which leads us to…

Lesson #2: Indulgence allows you to ponder crucial issues (and learn something new).

If we allow them, our excesses – even the ones we later regret – may be wonderful learning opportunities.

When new customers believe they have gone too far, they are often humiliated. They wish to hide from their error and begin over.

Instead, we urge them to utilize their overabundance of interest as a catalyst for reflection.

This exercise teaches children to pay attention to and learn from what is going on in their lives and bodies (rather than judging and blaming themselves).

For instance, we could inquire:

  • What does pleasure (or celebration or reward) entail for us?
  • What significance does this have in our lives?
  • When we pamper ourselves, what sort of person are we?
  • What good is it to do anything else?

When we ask clients such questions, they are often shocked (and rightfully so).

What’s the benefit of that? They inquire, pointing to a garbage can filled with beer cans and empty ice cans.

However, the reality is that we all do things for a purpose.

This indulgence, no matter how large or regretful, is beneficial to us. For us, this fixes the issue, although not very effectively.

Recognizing that our habits, especially negative ones like four shakes of junk food snacks, serve us may help us lower our resistance, quit hiding, and see things more clearly.

What is the pleasure-satisfying need?

What is the most beneficial and healthy approach to satisfy this need?

Although it may seem paradoxical, letting go of negative habits and recognizing their importance in our lives may lead to more profound and long-lasting transformations.

Lesson #3: It’s not always necessary to fall off the wagon in order to desire to get back on.

Jason Grensey, a friend and PN food photographer, and I recently enjoyed a large, substantial meal.

As supper came to a conclusion, just as my belt buckles started to loosen and sorrow tried to seep into my heart, Jay swung his fork in my way and dropped this brilliant bomb over a mouthful of pickled beets:

No. That’s not a problem. To desire to get back on the wagon, you sometimes have to fall off.

He was absolutely correct.

Falling is not just a part of the transition, but getting back up can also be extremely gratifying.

Let’s face it: Nothing motivates good eating like waking up sweaty, heartburn, a hangover, or some other kind of bodily disobedience.

Even if you feel wonderful after the fun is done, the party will always come to an end due to an intuitive natural shift.

Perhaps a little sabbatical will enable us to make more organized and healthier decisions in the future.

It’s the same of skipping your exercise to lie on the sofa and read sleazy books while drinking excessive amounts of coffee, which has the same impact as going to the gym.

Or how, after a vacation when you made the most of the swim-up bar and all-inclusive breakfast, you come home pleased, stop by the supermarket, and stock your refrigerator with veggies.

While you may be concerned that a single indulgence will lead to a life of disorder, research indicates that we naturally adjust to pleasure in such a manner that, with some interest in our own health and fitness and perhaps the assistance of a team or coach, we can self-correct.

Lesson #4: Healthy indulgence may really be beneficial to one’s overall health.

You may hear the term “deep health” if you spend time with your pals.

Deep health entails thriving in all aspects of one’s life, including physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.

Deep health entails the following:

  • We are physically robust and resilient, able to operate successfully in the world and perform at high levels.
  • Our intellect is smart, nimble, and compassionate, assisting us in solving issues creatively and making deliberate choices based on our innermost values.
  • Our emotions are at our disposal, and they should be utilized properly – to act, to alert us to pay attention. Overall, we have a good emotional balance.
  • Healthy, strong, good relationships, as well as a range of high-quality social interactions, are important to us.
  • In every manner imaginable, we are continuously developing and changing, mending and rebuilding, strengthening and flourishing.

We progress in life when we are in good health.

A healthy indulgence, according to this definition, is one that is at least one of the following:

  • Sync honeybunny’s contribution
  • very good
  • self-acting
  • having an optimistic outlook on life

We’re all involved in the pampering industry. We felt more alive as a result of it.

Taking a vacation from work to go camping with the kids, watching a movie or game you’ve been wanting to see, or giving yourself to a sumptuous massage and a soak in a hot bath are all instances of healthy pleasures that have nothing to do with food.

An unhealthy indulgence is the polar opposite:

  • unnecessary
  • needless annoyance
  • Self-destruction
  • risk of death

Excessive drinking of low quality alcohol, which you consume rather than drink, with individuals you don’t really like, who then urge you to stop smoking, which you wanted to do, are examples of unhealthy excesses.

It’s worth noting that healthy indulgences often have a natural remedy.

We typically feel pleased and joyful at the conclusion of a healthy stay.

Let’s pretend you’re a hardworking dad who takes time for himself and enjoys some spare time.

You parade about the house in your jammies, yawn happily, and lie in front of the Sunday paper after a nice sleep while the kids are at Grandma’s.

Then you shower, get in the vehicle, and go out to see your ducklings, eager to meet them and get right back into parenthood.

You can’t and don’t want to sleep indefinitely. However, get some rest, set aside some time for yourself, replenish your batteries, and, of course, finish your job.

Unhealthy indulgences, on the other hand, do not go away. It may even result in outright discontent.

We may attempt to enjoy it again and again, but it will be in vain, as if we were continuously playing on the slot machine, losing money and not even pushing the lever with pleasure, but with the sense that we are being pushed into it.

Self-love may become a component of the pendulum that swings back and forth between chaos and strict order when we are trapped in the eat-forgive cycle.

In this instance, mercy may mean the difference between life and death. They are either completely self-aware or completely illogical and impulsive:


(Of course, compulsive overeating isn’t good for your health, and it’s tough to unlearn without the assistance of a doctor or psychologist.)

What if we embraced our compromises instead of attempting to escape them?

What if we viewed relapses, falls, and derailments as a natural and expected part of the process of transformation and growth?

Take a look at how frequently these processes are repeated. Isn’t it time we asked ourselves whether they’re really that essential, or if they’re simply something to put up with or ignore?

Isn’t it past time to study them, to respect and appreciate them, if I may say so?

What if they prove to be the catalyst for our upward mobility?

What if, as a result of them, we were all healthier, happier, and even fitter?

What should I do next? Some suggestions from

To understand how to accept indulgences with health advantages, try the methods below.

1. Make inquiries.

Think about the following…

To you, what does a healthy treat entail? Why?

  • What joys would you choose to create profound health and balance?
  • What are the joys that inspire you, motivate you, and help you reclaim your health?

To you, what does unhealthy indulgence entail? Why?

  • What causes you to be unsatisfied, resentful, irritated, demoralized, and/or trapped in negative patterns?

2. Be sincere, thoughtful, and mature.

If I’m good, I may be evil, or If I pretend I didn’t eat a cookie, it didn’t happen, avoid mental games like these.

Examine your actions with open, intelligent, and mature eyes.

Accept that every decision has ramifications.

Determine what is and is not typical for you and the health you want by developing a framework for evaluating actions and outcomes.

3. Begin devising an escape strategy.

Consider yourself the captain of your own life, health, exercise, and diet. With that in mind, consider the following….

  • What are your plans and why are you going?
  • What issues do you perceive that may derail you from a healthy lifestyle? What can you do right now to help you prepare for these challenges and adjust when they occur?
  • What’s the make-up of your team? Consider who you have (or would want to have) in your life who can assist you in achieving your objective. We all need help from time to time, so enlist the assistance of family, friends, or coaches if you need it.
  • What is on your flight checklist? What procedures or techniques have you implemented to get back on track after a (planned or unexpected) detour?

4. Be on the lookout for indications and signals that indicate it’s time to pivot.

Before you drive too far in one way or the other, you should be able to identify the signs that indicate it’s time to change lanes.

Consider the following scenario:

  • While a sumptuous dinner may be great, spending a whole weekend with them will have you reaching for Pepto-Bismol.
  • A missed exercise every few weeks may help you recuperate, but a string of days on the sofa or at your desk will leave you angry, sluggish, and exhausted.
  • During the holidays, a few glasses of martinis and champagne may be fun, but after the celebrations are gone, daily glasses of wine start to seem like an unwelcome habit…..

5. Accept – maybe even embrace – backwards, downwards, and nothing periods.

Play for the long haul.

Cycling may be one of them if your overall path is forward and upward and you are usually interested in anything.

Cycling may be able to assist you actively and substantially.

If you are or wish to be a personal trainer….

It’s both an art and a science to teach customers, patients, friends, and family members about healthy food and lifestyle modifications that are tailored to their bodies, tastes, and situations.

Consider Level 1 certification if you want to learn more about both.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is overindulgence in food?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Overindulgence in food is when someone consumes more food than they need.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can you overindulge sometimes?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Yes, I can overindulge sometimes.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What does over indulgence do?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Over indulgence is when a person consumes more calories than their body needs. This can lead to weight gain, fatigue, and other health problems.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What is overindulgence in food?

Overindulgence in food is when someone consumes more food than they need.

Can you overindulge sometimes?

Yes, I can overindulge sometimes.

What does over indulgence do?

Over indulgence is when a person consumes more calories than their body needs. This can lead to weight gain, fatigue, and other health problems.

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  • overindulgence
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